Comments & Critics
Showcase 's over!
Final Year Project is Over!
Recalling comments & critics that I've received so far.
Thanks for all the comments and critics.
more are welcomed here.
>>Selection of bucket to be matched with the relevant visual.
e.g. boiling water - old kettle
>>Video content:
instead of shooting images of water ( waterfall / dripping/...etc)
it could be something as in how people use those water for.
e.g. video of woman washing clothes / dishes
best in top down view (which is exactly what i wanted but it couldn't be done)
surround speaker could be channeled one to each speaker
overlapping sound makes it confusing
>>for now i can only remember these main ones.
Nice idea of projecting on buckets
>>sensors detection:
some commented that people needs to know where is the hidden sensors location and mark it down for indication.
(explains the 'X' sticker on the marked active areas around the buckets)
Technical statement
As mentioned, my installation is about audio and visual, therefore my main contents are sound and video footages. i used a portable surround sound recorder to record sound and a digital camera to record HD videos. In addition, I also used the piezo sound vibration sensor which I found to be really useful recording sound without noise.
For the interactivity part of my project, I used the Arduino microcontroller board and the PIR motion sensors and played with wiring. With the open-source platform of Arduino, I connect the sensors to Arduino using Arduino Programming language and communicate it with another software - MaxMSP. I control them on my laptop and the speakers for sound output. The videos of different footages are played with a projector from the top. I mapped the videos into the buckets with a very flexible projection mapping application- VideoProjectionTools (VPT).
The installation is simple. Each sensor is programmed with different sound. When motion detected it plays the sound of which the sensor is triggered. Users are encouraged to experiment with the sound.
Artist statement - refined
My project is an interactive audio visual installation. Initially, this idea is inspired by water issue in Malaysia where some parts of this country was facing water shortage problems. I have researched about the lackadaisical attitude of Malaysians towards environmental issues; water be one of the main ones.
I want to promote appreciation towards water through video and sound, creating an experience for people to experiment with the various sound of water and at the same time enjoy the visuals. The visual metaphor of my work are the buckets, closely related to medium to carry water and its significant use especially during water shortage period.
"Water is the driving force of all nature." a quote by Leonardo da Vinci. This is a message that I hope everyone could bear in mind.
Testing 5 sensors together.
Max 5 until 1/6/2011
New Clothes On!
Have u realized it?
I uploaded new template!
It was like this.